Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Great California Type In - The (Amateur) Video

The actual scene of the raucous event in Berkeley
December 27, 2013
No, no, no - this is not the real video, the one being produced by those guys with the big cameras, boom mike, recording gear, and, oh, yeah - professionalism, skill, and talent. But this just might give you a wee impression of the event.Three and a half minutes. Turn off the HD if it stammers and stutters.

December 27, 2013
Links to related posts by some of the other bloggers of the Typosphere, including a couple of typecasts direct from at the event:

Cynthia Price's The Cynthia Project (custodian of The Kandy Kolored Bubblegum Flake Streamlined Baby)

Michael Clemmens' Click Thing (seen typing on Sadie, his lovely 1954 Underwood De Luxe Quiet Tab)

And Richard Polt's coverage at Writing Ball.


  1. Awesome energy, thanks for this, Tony! The video is just perfect for us who didn't make it to the type-in. I met the Permillions in 2011, it's great to see them inspired by the event.

  2. Tony, that video is gorgeous! Good job on filming the day -- it looked like it was lots of fun :D

  3. Fantastic video, Tony! I really like the photo you used in the post. That PT Cruiser with the whitewalls looks eerily similar to a late-1930s car, and the effect, in front of the typewriter store, is fantastic! I had to look it twice to realize it was a contemporary car...

    ... Yes, I know... the things I pay attention to can be rather strange... XD

    1. Hey, we're all a bit odd, Miguel. But perhaps not quite as strange as those in Cynthia's video clip!

      Cheers, and google goggle, google goggle -

  4. Excellent!! This brings a smile to my face and is a wonderful memento.

  5. Oh, I like this! It does bring a smile, and a feeling of stepping out of (the current painful) time for a moment, into a simpler, lighter past. And I remember all those English papers I typed on my old Selectric, which I loved, and seemed so modern at the time. Lots more fun than a computer keyboard! I love the hosts' pleasure in the whole thing, too. Nice video and photo, Tony.

    1. Why, thank you, Helen! Those Selectrics are still revered by some in the typewriter community for their amazing mechanism.

    2. In fact, I think I hear Mr. Polt talking about cheap Selectrics that he won't fix somewhere in the middle of that video :D

    3. Count me among the Selectric reverers! To me they are the ideal typewriter.

  6. Great video and amazing exterior shot.

  7. What a great video, Tony! Thanks for giving us a taste of the experience!

  8. Great video Tony. Next best thing to being there.
    I agree with Cheryl, nice exterior shot.

  9. Great you made the trip - otherwise no mini-movie. Superb!
