Monday, December 30, 2013

Jazz and Christmas Lights


  1. A Very Happy and Prosperous New Year to you and yours Tony!

    Reflections of the year. One of those is I found your blog and fully enjoy it.

    I never found a typewriter in the garbage and when that was happening I probably was more interested in my new found PC than typewriters and I may have passed any typewriter by (although I always seemed to have at least an electric in case there was something I could not do with a PC)

    Happy typing in 2014 and beyond.

  2. My best wishes for you and your loved ones for this new year, Tony!

    I really enjoy your posts, and like you said, the magic of typewriters is that they can bring people together in a way that is every day stranger to those who prefer to disconnect from the real world and immerse themselves into a tiny screen. By having a lot of digital information at their fingertips, they're missing a lot of real life, invaluable experiences, don't you think?

    Happy 2014!!

  3. Good to know that those two typewriters have stayed with you over the decades. There's a real pleasure in being able to pick up an object that has formed part of one's life for so long and still use it.

    I enjoy having you in the typosphere.

  4. We love having you here, by whatever happy accident led you to us. Happy new year! :D

    PS. please post some of your Caffenol-developed shots sometime, I'd love to see how they turned out.

  5. oh wait. maybe it was Joe V who did Caffenol before?

    1. Ha ha - I do caffeine daily, but no Caffenol. My film goes in good old D76, and I actually did a small bit of that this year. But it has been 20 years since I've seen prints come up in Dektol. I did get a bit excited about the Van Dyke brown printing out process this year, but only enough to collect the chemicals. Hopefully you'll see some actual 4x5 contacts here by and by.

  6. Happy New Year, and here's to the good luck those typewriters had falling into such responsible hands!

  7. Have a wonderful 2014 Tony!

    PS You are the only person I know that actually uses the Oliver. How great!
